In this fascinating discussion/workshop, which merges social justice activism with oral and personal narrative storytelling, participates will learn strategies to help speakers and listeners better understand diverse voices. Dr. Christian will share informative slides and oral examples from his own award-winning storytelling, which will be followed by an interactive Q & A.
About Ray Christian:
Ray is retired Army Paratrooper, Combat veteran, Doctor of Education, Fulbright Specialist Expert in Education and Storytelling Narrative and former Adjunct professor teaching African American History and Storytelling at Appalachian State University. His stories have appeared in Reader’s Digest’s 2016 Best Stories in America and 2017 American Hero’s editions. As a competitive storyteller, Ray is a 12-time Moth Story Slam Champion, and winner of the 2016 National Storytelling Festival Story Slam. His stories have been featured on the “Moth Radio Hour”, “Snap Judgment”, “Back Story Radio”, “Spooked”, “Story Collider”, and “Risk". Ray resides in the remote mountains of Watauga County, NC and he host and produces the podcast "What’s Ray Saying?"