By Story Jam (other events)

Fri, Feb 18 2022 1:00 PM CDT Fri, Mar 25 2022 4:00 PM CDT

In the spirit of a college or grad-level writing class, THE WRITING ROOM features a rotation of fantastic instructors who focus on elements of non-fiction story and essay crafting.

Each week, the experts guide writers and storytellers to develop an array of techniques and receive individual feedback in a warm, welcoming space. The instructors are professional writers, college professors, university deans, and veteran coaches and storytellers.

You'll discover the richness of learning from multiple instructors, and you'll be surprised at how fast the time flies! 

Participants will receive:

* Professional wisdom
* Focused instruction
* Thought-provoking prompts
* Inspiring examples and ideas
* Writing and sharing time
* Skilled feedback.

This class takes place on Friday afternoons on Zoom and all levels of storytellers and nonfiction writers are welcome!

BEST SERVES: Writers; aspiring writers; storytellers; aspiring storytellers; anyone who’d like to work on narratives and develop skills in a safe, challenging environment; those who’d enjoy a college or graduate-level writing class.